Trailguide is a software company that specializes in creating innovative solutions for the tourism industry. We aim to help tourism businesses digitalize their outdoor offerings, making them easily accessible and convenient for guests and visitors. Our goal is to provide the best possible experience for tourists through the use of our software and technology.

Founder, CEO, and main developer. Thinks the best thing in the world is coding and gets overly excited when a little piece of code can be improved, simplified, or removed. Enjoys biking and skiing on his spare time. My own little blog on the site.

Co-founder, map designer, and developer of our digital map infrastructure. Loves playing around with GIS software, 3D rendering platforms and building open source solutions. Enjoys all sorts of biking and skiing in his spare time.

Responsible for transport, office space, accomodation and marketing. A good mix of German and Italian. Enjoys hanging out and relaxing at beautiful spots around Europe.