Trailguide news & blog
All about outdoor sports, tourism, digitalization and the Trailguide app.
Trailguide Launches Premium Subscription
Since 2013, Trailguide has been free to use and ad-free. To further develop and improve the service, we are now launching Trailguide Premium – a monthly subscription for 50 NOK. The app will remain free and ad-free, but we are introducing new features for premium subscribers. Read more about why we are doing this and how you can support us here.
Trailguide 2024 Spring Edition
An overview of new features for 2024
It is that time of year again when we release new features we have been working on during winter and spring. Check out some of the new features and see how it can make your biking even more enjoyable this season.

Plan your route, export .gpx files
Just a few clicks to plan the whole tour, know the distance and climb. Export a .gpx file to navigate on your GPS device, or upload it to Trailguide.

Embrace the chill
We at Trailguide love any kind of bike riding (not really, actually we only like mountain biking) and we realised we were lacking a category for riding on snow.

Why don't you make Trailguide as an app?
We often get the question "why don't you make Trailguide as an app?" from users. There are many reasons for this and in this short blog post I try to list some of the reasons why we make Trailguide as a web app, and one reasons why we should possible have made it a native app.

Trailguide changelog
An attempt to keep track of significant changes in the Trailguide app
There are literally 100s of changes and commits to the codebase every week. Some are bug fixes, some are user interface tweaks, some are new features, some are code quality improvements.

Trailguide 2023 Spring Edition
An overview of what is possible with the Trailguide app
Trailguide is under constant development and we add new possibilities all the time, but we are not very good at telling you about them. Check out some of the features available and see how it can help you to find great trails to enjoy this summer.

New user interface for Trailguide
An overview of the latest changes and improvements
The user interface of Trailguide has evolved a lot over the years. Little by little it has changed as we learn more and add more features. I think it has improved the ease and efficiency of use and at the same time making it look a lot better. See what changes we have made this spring.

Developers corner
See how the sausage is made
Thoughts and ramblings from underneath a pile of 200.000 lines of JavaScript code.

What does digitalization mean for tourism?
Digitalization is often misunderstood. Poor implementation can leave the customers annoyed and frustrated. Find out how to use technology to enhance your customers experience, and to optimize your own processes.

Preserve our trails
How to find trails in good conditions, and to help preserve them
A new study shows the effects of mountain biking on trails. With Trailguide you can find trails in good conditions and help to keep them in a good shape.

Tjøme trail & code hackathon
Developing and field testing new functions for Trailguide
Last weekend we headed off to the islands of Tjøme and Nøtterøy where they have a really dense network of trails to find out how we could improve trailguide to help guide you through such a trail network.
Read more about how it went here...

New interface & functions
The next evolutionary step
The new version of Trailguide comes with new functions, better ergonomics and an easy to use interface. read more...

Trailguide inngår samarbeid med satellittselskap
Vi har allerede fått på plass ny funksjonalitet basert på satellittdata som vil være til stor hjelp for syklister
Skal samarbeide med satellittselskap, innfører prikk-system for å få bukt med «strava-syklister» og skal bruke satellittdata og ansiktsgjenkjenningsteknologi for å identifisere stitroll. read more...

Fat Biking now on Trailguide
Interview med Nina Gässler
"Snø er magi!" sier Nina Gässler, grunnlegger av et av Europas lengste Fatbike-ritt.
Les om fascinasjon av vintersykling og få tips til ditt neste vintereventyr.

Trailguide vokser
Flere ansatte, ny investor
Trailguide vokser. Med ny investor, støtte fra Gol Kommune og lånemidler fra
Innovasjon Norge får Trailguide viktig kapital til å utvide teamet, og dermed
flere ressurser til utvikling.

Improve your customer experience
Three tips to get happy customers
Happy customers stay longer, recommend your destination, and they come back!
As a destination offering outdoor activities, you want your customers to be
able to ...

Sharing is bad! Or not?
Discussing the effects on mountain biking
Does sharing information about great trails and beautiful places have a negative effect on mountain biking? Here is why I think there are many positive effects! read more...

Trailguide Patreon
Consider helping us with our digital service bills
Trailguide is a free bike guide for everyone. We put in a lot of work to develop and run the service. With the increased traffic we experience there are also rising costs for the digital services we use to run Trailguide. read more...

New Trailguide App 2020
New functions, new map, easier to use
After a long winter full of work, we finally can release Trailguide 2020. Find lots of new features that make it even easier to find and share great trails! read more...

How to turn on the GPS for iPhones
Location service for Trailguide in IOS
Here you can find out how you can activate the location services and see your own location in Trailguide to find and navigate on the best trails. read more...

Local Services on the map!
Additional information & better visibility
Now you can see local services on the map! See all information along with the point of interest. read more...

Trailguide jersey
Pre order opens now!
They are green, they are from Trailguide, they are for biking, they are awesome! read more...

New version of Trailguide
Smaller, faster, better!
Trailguide can be installed on your phone, has new functions, is smaller, faster, and easier to use! read more...

User awards by Norrøna
Trailguide Community
Less driving and flying because of more, and easy accessible information? Share the local trails, and win clothing and equipment from Norrøna. read more...

Ads for local services
Trailguide Professional
Are you a bike shop, guide, restaurant, accomodation, or offer any other bike and tourism related services? Promote your local service on Trailguide and get more customers! read more...

EVOC userawards
Trailguide Community
Did you ride and track some nice singletracks this season? Upload your tracks to Trailguide and you will participate in the drawing of the EVOC User Awards on November 15th. read more...

Best of Trailguide
The best new trails and destinations PART 2
So many great trails were already uploaded by our user community that we have to show you the best new riding spots. In PART 2 you find Ligurian goods, the French Côte d'Azur, riding at the foothills of Mont-Blanc, and hot Spanish Enduro trails. read more...

User Awards
Trailguide community
So many trails were uploaded by many users in the first half of the season that we already want to reward the contributors. With our partners the Aletsch Arena and Hotel Alpenblick, we send you to a great bike weekend. read more...

Win tickets for the Trail Trophy Kronplatz
The last race of the Trail Trophy series.
Slowly autumn is coming and the 2018 Trail Trophy race series comes to an end. Take the chance and win two tickets to the last Enduro race at the Kronplatz, Italy. read more...

Upload your tracks
Share your trails and find thousands of others!
Were you ever glad about a tip for a great MTB singletrack? On Trailguide you can find and share the best singletracks. Upload your trails and win bike trips and equipment! read more...

Win tickets for the 3 Länder Enduro Race
Booked out in minutes you now can win two tickets
The resort at the border of Austria and Italy is truly a gem for all enduro fans. The lifts open up a wide area around the 1500m high Reschenpass with it’s two beautiful lakes. read more...

Height Profiles
Long desired: now all tracks include height profiles
As the name already says, mountain biking is a mountain sport. The most obvious characteristic of a mountain is the elevation. Now you find all the numbers about climbs and descents on Trailguide. read more...

Win tickets for the Trail Trophy Flims Laax
Enjoy the best trails in three days of Racing
Flims Laax in Graubünden, Switzerland offers some of the most versatile terrain to ride your mountain bike on. In three days of racing you can discover the best singletracks of the area in a relaxed atmosphere. read more...

Best of Trailguide
See the best new trails and destinations PART 1
So many great trails were already uploaded by our user community, that we have to show you the best new spots for biking already mid season. In PART 1 you find Norwegian fjords, Romanian forests and Greek coast trails. read more...

Nesbyen Enduro 2018
Two thousand vertical meters of dry and dusty trails
This weekend the first race of the Norwegien 80/20 enduro series was held in Nesbyen, Hallingdal in Norway on perfect dry and dusty trails in a fantastic weather. The event was also an EWS qualifier, so you could find happy riders from Norway, Sweden, Australia, UK, Denmark and more. read more...

Easy trail maps with Trailguide
Present your destination, trails or event.
Configure and embedd a trail map on your website, in an article or even in your app. Show destination or event specific content with the easy trail maps of Trailguide. read more...

Win 3 tickets for the Trail Trophy in Latsch
Latsch in Südtirol, Italy calls for the next enduro race and you can win three tickets to enter.
The Vinschgau valley is one of the best areas in the Alps for mountain biking. From the 25th-27th May, the next race of the Trail Trophy Enduro Series takes place there and you can win three tickets to enter. read more...

Trail maps for enduro races
Interactive race maps for the Trail Trophy
Interactive trail maps from Trailguide are not only available for MTB destinations, bike clubs ore festivals. Now you can also show your enduro race on Trailguide. read more...

Top Destinations
Check out our 10 favourite biking locations for 2018
We show you the destinations we are still dreaming of. Of great trails and of an awesome nature. Places where we would love to go back immediately. read more...

Top Trails
These are our 10 favourite mtb singletracks for 2018
Long or short, close or far away. Doesn't matter if you finish the trail with a big smile on your face. read more...

Best Pictures
Gallery & calendar
The best pictures of 2017 plus the trails they were shot on. Also win five calendars printed in high quality. read more...

User Awards
Trailguide community
Over 1.000 trails were added by the Trailguide community, pictures uploaded and trails reviewed. We want to thank you for contributing and making Trailguide a great and very useful guide for everyone. Here we reward the most active users. read more...

Software Update
New functions and cool technology
What functions were developed lately in Trailguide and what the heck is a web app? read more...